Lolo Creek Trails 2005

Lolo Creek Trails 2005

PCI Engineering--Lolo Creek Trails

Project Overview:
Lolo Creek Trails is a 92-lot residential subdivision along Highway 12 in Lolo, Montana. The project had two phases of development with the first phase consisting of 5,300 lineal feet of roadways, 4,700 lineal feet of sewer mains and 5,700 lineal feet of water mains. Phase II consists of extending the water and sewer mains along Highway 12 to connect into the existing Lolo Water and Sewer District mains. Work consisted of installing 860 lineal feet of sewer force main, 7,500 lineal feet of sewer mains and 4,000 lineal feet of water mains.


Project Type:
Municipal Water, Subdivision and Sewer Extension & Lift Station

Project Location:
Lolo, Montana

Mustang Holdings

Professional Consultants, Inc.

Project Value:
$2.5 Million

Project Team:
Andy Mefford / Project Engineer

Project Reference:
Greg Robertson / Public Works Director / 406-258-4753